Friday, March 26, 2010

Food: A Popular Topic Today -- Hooray!

Healthy food and eating well is important to me and is a topic that I spend much time thinking about, researching and practicing.

I am excited to see that Michelle Obama and her new campaign to end childhood obesity has spurred much talk and press on the subject surrounding food in America today, including Jamie Oliver's new show Food Revolution. Check out this blog entry, the source for the graphic that I could not help but post above!

Below is a list of interesting resources on the topic of food, our world, country and its industry:

(to come!)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Will decides that he is done wearing diapers.

Yesterday in the late afternoon during one of Will's routine diaper changes, he told Jon that he wanted to wear underwear and not diapers. So Jon listened to him, Will wore training undies and went the rest of the night without an accident.

This morning, Will requested underwear again. I put them on because I knew the opportunity needed to be embraced even though I wasn't totally up for the thought of cleaning up accidents. The good thing about today was I knew we'd be spending it inside since Gabe and Will were still experiencing some sniffles.

At one point this morning while watching tv, Will popped up from his chair and said "I need to go to the bathroom!" I went in with him and helped him get on the toilet. He asked me how to get his pee out so I explained that he needed to relax. He wanted me to read a book to him, so I started reading Little Quack (the boys just got new rubber ducks), he relaxed and went. Then after nap time he opened his door, sleep wrinkles on his face, messy hair, red cheeks and said, "I have to go to the bathroom!" I helped him get on the toilet and right away he started saying "Ahhhhh." Eyes rolling back and closing still relaxed from just waking up. Then when it was ready to get pjs on, I let him know that he needed to try and go to the bathroom before we put a diaper on. He did and went again!

Will went the entire day without one accident! The funny thing is though that once this morning close to lunch he told me that he had a pretend accident on the rug and proceeded to tell me that he was sitting in it. What a funny little guy.